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Forthcoming skills sessions

  • Feb
    Introduction to Critical Appraisal: How to read a paper (RCT)
    Seminar Room 7, Trust HQ & Education Centre, Pinderfields - 12:30
    This half-day session is aimed at staff new to critical appraisal or those looking to refresh their skills. We cover the basics of critical appraisal and how to assess research: we will critically appraise a Randomised Control Trial paper as an example. The course will help you develop confidence in approaching research to support evidence-based practice and/or further study.
  • Mar
    An introduction to qualitative research: How to read a paper
    Seminar Room 8, Trust HQ & Education Centre - 12:30
    There is a trend to increasing use of qualitative research in health and social care, but it remains a misunderstood form of research, it’s contribution often minimised compared to quantitative approaches. The session will cover three key questions: 1. What are critical appraisal and evidence-based practice, why do they matter? 2. What is qualitative research and how can it help us? 3. How do we critically appraise qualitative research? In answering these we will look at the different approaches to conducting qualitative research, highlighting good practice and the value that qualitative research can bring. We will look at two examples of qualitative research and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses using a CASP checklist.
  • Mar
    An introduction to health literacy
    Virtual (via Teams) - 10:30
    "Health literacy is about a person's ability to access, understand and use information to make decisions about their health" (NHS UK, 2021). Health literacy levels in England are low, with research showing that 61% of adults struggle to understand health information containing words and numbers (such as the dosage information in a box of paracetamol). The problem is even more prevalent in our locality. Low health literacy can have a significant impact on patient outcomes and use of health services. By being aware of low levels of health literacy in our communities and improving how we communicate with our patients, we can help to improve patients understanding, improve patient outcomes and reduce costs for the NHS. This course is suitable for anyone who works in the trust, particularly those with patient contact. Yorkshire and Humber
  • Pinderfields Hospital
    Aberford Road
    WF1 4DG